Friday, August 21, 2009

symptoms of PCOS

Because PCOS is a hormonal disorder the most common signs and symptoms are physical. Your appearance is affected by the androgen present in the body. Although these varies per individual. Here are the S&S:
  • multiply ovarian cysts
  • absent or irregular menses
  • infertility
  • acne
  • obesity and difficulty in losing weight
  • hirsutism (increased body and facial hair growth)
  • hair loss or thinning of scalp hair
  • insulin resistance possibly leading to diabetes
  • acanthosis nigricans
  • skin tags
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol
  • impaired lung function
  • snoring
  • all these changes may eventually lead to depression

Again the signs and symptoms differ from one person to another. And not all S&S may be exhibited.

PCOS starts during the teenage years. And looking back I started gaining weight after my first period. Also, I have always been irregular. And since I suffer from dysmenorrhea everytime my period comes I welcomed the months when it did not come. Hmmm... I should have paid more attention to my health. As a teener, I was never pimply. So I was distraught over the pimples that adorn my face during my mid-20's. By pimples, I mean occassionally having 2 or more breakouts in my face. I was distraught over this. I tried various face scrubs and what-have-yous just to keep my face smooth. I didn't think that the pimples lead to a more serious issue. Oh, and I've started snoring too! The horror! Both my parents snore so when I learned that I snored too I just chalked it up to genes. I also have dark lines in my nape. That's all the symptoms that I had.

After I was diagnosed I paid more attention to my health and myself and noticed some more changes/symptoms.

If you have any of the above symptoms go to your OB-gyne immediately. Don't waste time. Remember, health is wealth.

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